God Knows Best

Today I was reading in Isaiah
Chapter 6
Where Isaiah receives a vision from God after King Uzziah dies.
Uzziah was a good king who was strong and had influence
With his death, Isaiah was faced with many unknowns.

Since Isaiah was a prophet chosen by God,
He received visions and direction from the Lord.
Israel was in disarray,
So much worldly lure and and disobedience.
God chose Isaiah to help steer His chosen people back to hope.
The road was bumpy,
Pot holes everywhere,
But God wasn't giving up on them.

Naturally, when Uzziah dies, Isaiah needs some new direction.
God shows up in a vision.
He is sitting on a throne,
His robe all around Him.
He is high and lifted up displaying His mighty power to Isaiah.
A way of telling Isaiah, the earthly king was dead but He was the almighty King.
Isaiah, at the sight of the majestic setting, immediately feels his humanness and cries out for mercy.
In the face of God we feel our need for Him.

God reassures Isaiah that He is cleansed and then asks,
"Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?"
And Isaiah, having been touched by God's grace at that very second responds,
"Here I am, Send me!"

So, God tells Isaiah the plan.
And Isaiah feels a sinking feeling as God explains.
God tells Isaiah that he is to go back to the people and a deliver a message that things were going to get worse for them.

Isaiah, in his humanness must have been thinking, what kind of mission is this?
He was willing and couldn't help but volunteer for the commission that God had asked.
But this?
A mission that was about driving the people into a worser fate?
Seperating them to four corners of the world?
This didn't seem like a praise-worthy challenge,
Isaiah didn't want to be the bearer of bad news.

In the end of the story, God gives hope to Isaiah's new mission.
He tells Isaiah that there will be some faithful people that remain.
They will be the hope for the next generations.

This story made me think.
Isaiah felt compelled to serve God when faced with His majesty,
Much like myself.
When I think about all Christ has done for me I feel a passion to do something for Him.
Sometimes it can turn into an unhealthy striving,
But in God's grace He leads me to rest in Him and wait for the next "mission."

I can easily compare my "mission" with others around me.
Often, their spiritual success looks better then mine.
Some areas that God has had me in for years have had little to no progress in my human perspective.
 I can feel like Isaiah and think,
"Really?  Can't I do something else?  Is anything good even happening here?"

What's interesting about this story of Isaiah is that God wanted this mission accomplished despite it not having an immediate success story.
He wanted Isaiah to be part of a "mission" that wasn't going to get good results right then.
Makes me think, can I find contentment in this area where nothing is blooming?
I know that God wants me to keep working that field.
Does He see a purpose that I don't see?
Does He see something cultivating that I can't?

Maybe God has called me to this area and He has planned for it to stay dry.

It's the fight for purpose and results that has me wondering if I'm doing anything at all.
When God didn't ask me to do anything.
He just asked me to be His living water in that dry desert.
He said to stay there and keep on fighting the good fight.
He never said that things would ever change.
It's my hope in Him that has me believing that they someday will.

So, I will be an Isaiah.
I will deliver the message to the wandering people that God has asked me to deliver to.
I will go because He sent me.
I told Him I was willing, so who am I to question the "mission."
He is the King.

Maybe one day I will see a green shoot in my dry desert.

Heavenly Father, I told you I would go where You sent me
And I'm sorry that I sometimes get weary of where you put me
Give me strength to keep on fighting.
Give me eyes to see what You do.
In all things I want to bring You glory.
In this desert I want to see Your face.
Help me to sense You deeper and stronger.
Lead me farther into this mission You've appointed me to and help me not to compare.
May I serve You well in all things.
Let my love for You lead me as I listen for Your voice,
I may never see what I am hoping for,
But I trust that Your plan will prevail.


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