How Will This Finally End?
So many times I've wondered and waited. Spiritually frozen. Did I hear? Did I sense right? Was that picture for me? I want so badly to hear from God, receive something from Him in way of direction or hope and then when I get it I second guess.
Even Daniel wanted to know more. He received a vision from the Lord. A clear as glass vision. He heard the voice of a messenger sent directly to him and He still asked for clarity.
I heard what he said, but I did not understand what he meant. So I asked, "How will all this finally end, my lord?"
-Daniel 12:8
The Lord knows I'm human. He made me. And I suppose He knows I am going to ask extra probing questions in the midst of my human weakness. I wonder if He chuckles when I second guess or shakes His head? Maybe a bit of both. The Bible tells me that I am His sheep and He is my Shepard. If I was a sheep I wouldn't wander from my master. When do I go from the sure to the maybe?
"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me."
-John 10:27
Daniel had someone standing in front of him. When the man spoke, Daniel fainted and kept his face to the ground. The man's face shone like lightening and his eyes flamed like torches. His voice roared like a multitude of people.
The man told Daniel that he was precious to the Lord. He said that he was sent by God to deliver a message. He told him bluntly that he was sent as an answer to Daniel's prayer.
So after a long conversation about what was about to come regarding kings in the future generations, 3 chapters full, Daniel asks the man for just a bit more clarity on what he had told him. Just a tad more information. Something else to go on. The man replies;
"Go now Daniel, for what I have said is kept secret and sealed until the time of the end. Many will be purified, cleansed and refined by these trials, but the wicked will continue in their wickedness, and none of them will understand. Only those who are wise will know what it means."
-Daniel 12:9-10
The point of what the man brought to Daniel was two things:
1. For Daniel to know that God heard him and loves him.
2. For the upcoming trials to bring the wise closer to God.
1. For Daniel to know that God heard him and loves him.
2. For the upcoming trials to bring the wise closer to God.
Daniel wanted to know more details. And in my humanness I want to know more details too. I don't want to make a mistake on where God is leading me. And I don't want to be left in the dark as to what God is doing.
No matter how much I THINK I know what God should do in the situation, God doesn't want me to be in control.
Then again, do I want to be in control when I could hand my life over to the King of the Universe?
When He opens the door to Heaven and sends a message down to bless me it's not about the extra details. That's the faith part. The faith we are required to have. My vision I receive or my word I might hear might be just about God letting me know He heard me. It could be a few words to get me to move in a direction so that in the right timing He can move me again.
If I knew all the details would I make a move?
No matter how much I THINK I know what God should do in the situation, God doesn't want me to be in control.
Then again, do I want to be in control when I could hand my life over to the King of the Universe?
When He opens the door to Heaven and sends a message down to bless me it's not about the extra details. That's the faith part. The faith we are required to have. My vision I receive or my word I might hear might be just about God letting me know He heard me. It could be a few words to get me to move in a direction so that in the right timing He can move me again.
If I knew all the details would I make a move?
He wants to speak to us. He wants to give us some sense that He hears us and loves us. His message is a gift. A treasure. Receiving it with open hands is the key. Not picking it apart. Not questioning. Just holding it in my heart and allowing Him to tell me all of what's inside. It's revelation.
Come close to God, and God will come close to you. Wash you hands, you sinners; purify your hearts, for your loyalty is divided between God and the world."
-James 4:8
James says that our loyalty is divided. We live on the earth in a battle of mind vs trust. The world around me says if I cant see it then it isn't there. Life in the Spirit says faith over fear. It's commitment.
It's to blame for the second guessing. Drawing nearer to Christ means I'll hear Him clearer and louder and sense Him stronger. If my relationship is deep I will recognize Him quicker. It's intimacy.
It's to blame for the second guessing. Drawing nearer to Christ means I'll hear Him clearer and louder and sense Him stronger. If my relationship is deep I will recognize Him quicker. It's intimacy.
My hope is that as I cling to Him, my humanness withers. My promise is that as I spend time with Him in my Deep Place, I won't give in to the doubt of this world. It's protection.
I love when You lead me, Lord
It's so gentle
There isn't a striving spirit or a performance pull
It's a quiet peace
I don't have to reach for the door to open
In Your time, You make the way clear
If I'm confused what to do next,
You flood me with contented rest
You're so loving, Lord
Your guidance is my light
I commit myself to Your nudging
That's what I feel,
A soft stirring
Or a beautiful whisper of direction
But when it's You, It's You
Wonderful Savior I am Yours
My life is Yours
Make me like You as I follow Your path for my life
For You know the plans You have for me
And I know they are good
Generous Spirit, lead me on.
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